Information about Munich
What to do in Munich? Where to eat? How to avoid tourist traps? Must sees and must do's... Find all the information you need as a traveller coming to Munich right here.
In my opinion, the worst thing you can do when traveling abroad is to not prepare your journey a bit. Being spontaneus is a good thing, but being clueless about what you can expect, where the cultural differences are and how to get around was never a good idea. Here I want to give you a comprehensive guide to Munich, but not the way you know it from guide books. This guide is written by a real Munich local (and not the kind of local saying „I’ve been living here for five years so I know everything“ – My family members have been Munich citizens at least for 100 years).
The Basics
Do you need to learn some German when coming to Munich? Do people speak English? and what about dialects? Learn everything about this topic... [coming soon]

All your questions concerning paying, money and currency will be answered here. Read on...[coming soon]

Do's and Don'ts
Don't drop a brick. There are a few things in the German and Bavarian culture that may be different to your culture. Learn here some interesting facts about "cultural behavior"... [coming soon]

Holidays, Sundays and other celebrations
Know more about the national holidays of Germany and Bavaria and see what you can expect when travelling to Munich [coming soon]

Health & Insurance
All your health related questions like "Do I need vaccinations when I visit Munich?", "Where to buy pain killers?" or "How to call an ambulance in Munich?" will be answered here [coming soon]

Getting around in Munich by taxi
Getting around in Munich is easy. The most relaxed and convenient way is using a taxi. But how does the Munich taxi system work and is it expensive to ride in a cab? Find the answers here.
All about renting a car in Munich and driving in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Read everything you need to know about where and how to rent a car in Munich. Also find all the information you need regarding driving a car in Munich (requirements, rules, gas stations,, the Autobahn, car tolls, parking, etc.) Read on... [coming soon]

Other possibilities to get around Munich
Using a rental car or the public transport system is the easiest way to get around in Munich and to do day trips. But there are more possibilities like car sharing, scooter sharing, rikshaws and a specific taxi cab that doesn't behave like a taxi. And of course Uber, but not the way you're used to. Learn more... [coming soon]

No go areas in Munich
Are there "no go areas" in Munich? Should I avoid certain districts as a traveller? Find it out here.
Tipping in Munich
Tipping for services is common in nearly every country of the world. But there are huge differences in the way locals tip. Learn everything about tipping like a local in Munich. [coming soon]